The color of a Karatekas belt indicates her rank and in theory, her ability. Each step forward represents a further accumulation of skills and knowledge. Outside of Japan each ‘minor’ Karate Level known as Kyu is indicated by a different color. Some Karate Styles also use black stripe attached across or along the belt. There is less emphasis on belt colors in Japan than elsewhere. There most Karate Styles use only 3 colors; White, Brown and Black.
A Karate Black Belt indicating a rank of first Dan and above wears a plain black cotton or silk covered belt, usually embroidered with the wearers name and/or school. In some Karate Styles a red belt is worn to denote a very advanced Dan rank. Belt colors generally get darker through each Karate level towards Black Belt. This may be symbolic of the time when a plain white sash (Obi) was used to tie a plain white tunic for practice. If a student trained often enough, the white Obi would eventually darken. This seems a likely reason for the Karate Black Belt to symbolize the most advanced Karate Level.
Karate belts are used to indicate when a student has been promoted to the next level. Improved Karate technique and deeper knowledge of the 3 elements of Kihon (basics), Kata (form) and Kumite (sparring) needs to be shown before the next Karate level can be awarded. To advance to a new Karate level, the Karate belt holder takes a formal test called a Karate grading examination.
Karate grading examinations for higher ranks include practical, oral and written requirements. These vary depending on the Karate level being tested. The contents of tests vary among Karate styles but each school has set criteria around :
- Minimum Time Elapsed from Last Karate grading
- Consistent Training
- Proficient Karate Technique
- Demonstrated Progress
- Approval or Recommendation of Instructor
Grading Intangibles
It takes great skill to assess a student for promotion to an advanced Karate Level. A physical test displays physical ability which is fine up to a point. A written or spoken test goes further and taps into the underlying knowledge of the advanced Karate black belt.
Intangible qualities such as emotional confidence, discipline and leadership don’t just come from time spent training. Examiners must ‘see’ and recognize these qualities in advanced students.
The evolution of an individuals skill and knowledge beyond the senior black belt ranks is hard to grade. It is beyond technique. It lies in the person’s insights and their ability to pass on what they know to other students.
Use and Abuse of the Karate Grading System
Like any test, the Karate Grading exam is not a perfect way of assessing competence. Passing a test that results in a license to drive an automobile does not make a good driver.
A Karate Belt Holder is only as good as his/her ability at every training session. A Karate Grading test acklowledges ability at a 'point in time' - the true test of a person’s Karate Level is their ongoing commitment to the art.
The awarding of Karate Belts should be a fantastic time for both the examiner and the student. When the result of long diligent practice of Karate technique is displayed by a student at a serious Karate Grading examination, and when the performance is assessed by a competent, responsible examiner - everyone wins. Any other way and Karate loses.
Pros of the Karate Grading System
- Measures Development
- Recognises Progress
- Incentive to Learn
- Reward for Effort
- Cons of the Karate Grading System
- They are awarded forever - they don’t get taken away
- Karate Grading Tests are Open to Abuse by Examiners
- Testing is Subjective and Results Inconsistent
Unless stated otherwise, all kihon moves are : 5 steps forward turn and 5 steps forward (3 steps for juniors), All Zenkututsu-Dachi unless stated :
- Oi-zuki jodan
- Oi-zuki chudan
- Age~uke
- Soto-uke
- Uchi-uke
- Gedan-Barai
- Shuto-uke in Kokutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri chudan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri jodan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Keage chudan from Kiba-Dachi
- Keage jodan from Kiba-Dachi
- Attack
- Defense
- Jodan
- Age-uke
- Chudan
- Soto-uke
- Mae-Geri
- Gedan-Barai
- Kihon
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards (3 steps for juniors). All Zenkutsu-Dachi unless stated :
- Oi-zuki jodan
- Oi-zuki chudan
- Gyaku-zuki jodan
- Gyaku-zuki chudan
- Age-uke
- Soto-uke
- Uchi-uke
- Gedan-Baral
- Shuto-uke in Kokutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri chudan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri jodan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Kekomi chudan from Kiba-Dachi
- Kekomi jodan from Kiba-Dachi
- Keage chudan from Kiba-Dachi
- Keage jodan from Kiba-Dachi
- Attack
- Defense
- Jodan
- Age-uke
- Chudan
- Soto-uke
- Mae-Geri
- Gedan-Barai
- Heian Shodan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are : 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards (3 steps for juniors). All Zenkutsu-Dachi unless stated
- Oi-zuki jodan, gyaku-zuki chudan
- Age-uke, gyaku-zuki chudan
- Soto-uke, gyaku-zuki chudan
- Uchi-uke, gyaku-zuki chudan
- Gedan-Barai, gyaku-zuki chudan
- Gedan-Barai, gyaku-zuki jodan
Kicks are 5 steps forward turn 5 steps forward (3 juniors)
- Mae-Geri chudan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri jodan from Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Kekomi chudan from Kiba-Dachi
- Kekomi jodan from Kiba-Dachi
- Keage chudan from Kiba-Dachi
- Keage jodan from Kiba-Dachi
Attack Migi (Right) & Hidari (Left) then change attacker
- Attack
- Defense
- Jodan
- Age-uke,
- gyaku-zuki chudan
- Chudan
- Soto-uke,
- gyaku-zuki chudan
- Mae-Geri
- Zenkutsu-Dachi & Reverse Gedan-Barai to inside of kick,
- swivel Gyaku-zuki chudan
- Heian Nidan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards (3 steps for juniors). All Zenkutsu-Dachi unless stated
- Sanbon-zuki
- Age-uke,
- gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai
- Uchi-uke,
- gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai
- Soto-uke,
- gyaku- zuki,
- Gedan-Barai
- Gedan-Barai,
- gyaku-zuki chudan,
- Choku-zuki jodan
- Gedan-Barai,
- gyaku-zuki jodan,
- Choku-zuki chudan
- Shuto-uke in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- front leg Mawashi-Geri (or ushiro mawashi-geri),
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri ren-geri (Ren-Geri = Chudan kick one leg then Jodan kick next leg)
- Mae-Geri,
- Mawashi-Geri ren-geri
- Mae-Geri,
- Kekomi ren-geri
- Mae-Geri,
- Ushiro-mawashi ren-geri
- Keage chudan in Kiba-Dachi,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-Dachi,
- Gedan-Barai in Kiba-Dachi
- Keage jodan in Kiba-Dachi,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-Dachi,
- Gedan-Barai in Kiba-Dachi
- Attack
- Defense
- Right Side Jodan
- Move out to right Haiwan-Uke in Kokutsu Dachi,
- Shuto to neck in Zenkutsu Dachi
- Left Side Jodan
- Move out to right in Zenkutsu Dachi,
- left Age-Uke,
- grab wrist,
- left Mawashi Geri
- Right Side Chudan
- Move left leg back - Soto Uke with Right arm,
- Empi - all in Kiba Dachi
- Left Side Chudan
- Move right leg back Zenkutsu Dachi reverse Gedan-Barai,
- grab wrist,
- left leg Mae
- Geri chudan,
- left Age-Empi to chin
- Right Mea Geri
- Move right leg back left Ude-Barai (sweeping block),
- Gyaku-Zuki jodan
- Left Mea Geri
- Move right leg back Zenkutsu-Dachi,
- Gedan Juji-Uke,
- Shuto Juji-Uchi
- Sandan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors)
- Sanbon-zuki
- Uchi-uke,
- Empi,
- Uraken,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-dachi.
- Soto-uke,
- kizami-zuki,
- gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai in dachi-dachi.
- Kizami-zuki (without moving),
- step forward Oi-Zuki,
- gyaku-zuki.
Step forward mae-geri chudan - Gi-zuki jodan - gyaku-zuki chudan, step back shuto-uke in kokutsu-dachi - Nukite in dachi-dachi, step forward Kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri), from back leg - gyaku-zuki (or Oi-zuki) (x 3 & turn). Other combinations may be requested by examiner. The following are 3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
- Shuto-uke, Mawashi-Geri (front leg) both in kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR
- Shuto-uke, Kekomi (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri (ren-geri),
- gyaku-zuki chudan
- Mae-Geri,
- Mawashi-Geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Kekomi (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan gyaku-zuki chudan
- Attack
- Defense
- Right Side Jodan
- Move out to right Haiwan-Uke in Kokutsu Dachi,
- Shuto to neck in Zenkutsu Dachi
- Left Side Jodan
- Move out to right in Zenkutsu Dachi,
- left Age-Uke,
- grab wrist,
- left Mawashi Geri
- Right Side Chudan
- Move left leg back - Soto Uke with Right arm,
- Empi - all in Kiba Dachi
- Left Side Chudan
- Move right leg back Zenkutsu Dachi reverse Gedan-Barai,
- grab wrist,
- left leg Mae Geri chudan,
- left Age-Empi to chin
- Right Mea Geri
- Move right leg back left Ude-Barai (sweeping block),
- Gyaku-Zuki jodan
- Left Mea Geri
- Move right leg back Zenkutsu-Dachi,
- Gedan Juji-Uke,
- Shuto Juji-Uchi
- Right Kekomi
- Move right leg back Zenkutsu Dachi,
- double palm block down- Gyaku Zuki jodan
- Left Kekomi
- Move left leg back Zenkutsu Dachi,
- Soto Uke-Kizami jodan - Gedan Zuki chudan
- Heian Yondan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors)
- Uchi-uke,
- Empi, Uraken,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-dachi.
- Soto-uke,
- kizami-zuki,
- gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai in dachi-dachi.
- Kizami-zuki (without moving),
- step forward Oi-Zuki,
- gyaku-zuki.
Step forward mae-geri chudan - Gi-zuki jodan - gyaku-zuki chudan, step back shuto-uke in kokutsu-dachi - Nukite in dachi-dachi, step forward Kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri), from back leg - gyaku-zuki (or Oi-zuki) (x 3 & turn). Other combinations may be requested by examiner. The following are 3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
- Geri (front leg) both in kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, Kekomi (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Mae-Geri (ren-geri),
- gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Mawashi-Geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Kekomi (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan gyaku-zuki chudan
Both Right side and left side attacks
- Attack
- Defense
- Jodan Age-Uke,
- Gyaku Zuki
- Chudan
- Step to inside downward palm block, (Osae-uke), Gyaku Zuki Mae Geri
- Step back reverse Osae-Uke, Kizami Zuki Kekomi Double palm block-Gyaku Zuki
- Heian Godan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors)
- uke,
- Empi,
- Uraken,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-dachi.
- Soto-uke,
- kizami-zuki, gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai in dachi-dachi.
- Kizami-zuki (without moving),
- step forward Oi-Zuki,
- gyaku-zuki.
- Shuto-uke, Mawashi-Geri (front leg) both in kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, Kekomi (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri (ren-geri), gyaku-zuki chudan
- Mae-Geri, Mawashi-Geri (ren-geri), Uraken jodan, Gyaku-zuki chudan
- Mae-Geri, Kekomi (ren-geri), Uraken jodan, Gyaku-zuki chudan
- Mae-Geri, ushiro-mawashi-geri (ren-geri), Uraken jodan gyaku-zuki chudan
Both Right side and left side attacks
- Attack
- Defense
- Age-Uke, Gyaku Zuki Chudan
- Step to inside downward palm block, (Osae-uke), Gyaku Zuki Mae Geri
- Step back reverse Osae-Uke, Kizami Zuki Kekomi
- Double palm block-Gyaku Zuki Mawashi Geri
- Step inside palm block to the knee, Gyaku Zuki Ushiro Geri
- Step forward Gedan Barai, turn backwards Gyaku Zuki jodan
- Tekki Shodan
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors)
- uke,
- Empi,
- Uraken,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-dachi.
- Soto-uke,
- kizami-zuki, gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai in dachi-dachi.
- Kizami-zuki (without moving),
- step forward Oi-Zuki, gyaku-zuki.
Step forward mae-geri chudan - Gi-zuki jodan - gyaku-zuki chudan, step back shuto-uke in kokutsu-dachi - Nukite in dachi-dachi, step forward Kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri), from back leg - gyaku-zuki (or Oi-zuki) (x 3 & turn).
Step forward Mae-Geri chudan, Choku-zuki jodan, gyaku-zuki chudan - step back gyaku-zuki (or age uke, gyaku-zuki or Shuto-uke, Nukite), step forward Mawashi-Geri, gyaku-zuki (or Kekomi, gyaku-zuki or ushiro-mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki) (x 3 & turn). Other combinations may be requested by examiner. The following are 3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
- Shuto-uke, Mawashi-Geri (front leg) both in kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, Kekomi (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi ORShuto-uke, ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi,
- Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri (ren-geri),
- gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Mawashi-Geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Kekomi (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan, Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan gyaku-zuki chudan
Both Right side and left side attacks
- Attack
- Defense
- Jodan Age-Uke, Gyaku ZukiChudan
- Step to inside downward palm block, (Osae-uke), Gyaku Zuki Mae Geri
- Step back reverse Osae-Uke, Kizami Zuki Kekomi Double palm block-Gyaku Zuki Mawashi Geri
- Step inside palm block to the knee, Gyaku Zuki Ushiro Geri
- Step forward Gedan Barai, turn backwards Gyaku Zuki jodan
- Dai
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors)
- Uchi-uke,
- Empi,
- Uraken,
- gyaku-zuki in Zenkutsu-dachi.
- Soto-uke, kizami-zuki,
- gyaku-zuki,
- Gedan-Barai in dachi-dachi.
- Kizami-zuki (without moving),
- step forward Oi-Zuki, gyaku-zuki.
Step forward mae-geri chudan - Gi-zuki jodan - gyaku-zuki chudan, step back shuto-uke in kokutsu-dachi - Nukite in dachi-dachi, step forward Kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri), from back leg - gyaku-zuki (or Oi-zuki) (x 3 & turn).
Step forward Mae-Geri chudan, Choku-zuki jodan, gyaku-zuki chudan - step back gyaku-zuki (or age uke, gyaku-zuki or Shuto-uke, Nukite), step forward Mawashi-Geri, gyaku-zuki (or Kekomi, gyaku-zuki or ushiro-mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki) (x 3 & turn). Other combinations may be requested by examiner. The following are 3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
- Shuto-uke, Mawashi-Geri (front leg) both in kokutsu-Dachi, Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, Kekomi (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi, Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi OR Shuto-uke, ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) both in Kokutsu-Dachi, Nukite in Zenkutsu-Dachi
- Mae-Geri (ren-geri), gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Mawashi-Geri (ren-geri), Uraken jodan,
- Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- Kekomi (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan, Gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (ren-geri),
- Uraken jodan gyaku-zuki chudan Mae-Geri chudan,
- Mawashi-Geri chudan (same leg),
- gyaku-zuki (or Uraken, gyaku-zuki)Mae-Geri chudan, Kekomi (same leg), gyaku-zuki (or Uraken, gyaku-zuki)Mac-Geri,
- ushiro-mawashi-geri (same leg), gyaku-zuki (or Uraken, gyaku-zuki) Without moving from same leg Mac-Geri chudan,
- Mawashi-Geri jodan (both sides) Without moving from same leg Mae-Geri chudan,
- Kekomi jodan (both sides) Without moving from same leg Mae-Geri to front,
- Kekomi to side, Ushiro-Geri to rear (chudan)
Both Right side and left side attacks
- Attack
- Defense Jodan Age-Uke, Gyaku Zuki Chudan
- Step to inside downward palm block, (Osae-uke), Gyaku Zuki Mae Geri
- Step back reverse Osae-Uke, Kizami Zuki Kekomi Double palm block-Gyaku Zuki Mawashi Geri
- Step inside palm block to the knee, Gyaku Zuki Ushiro Geri
- Step forward Gedan Barai, turn backwards Gyaku Zuki jodan
- Kata Kihon
- All Heian Katas
- Tekki Shodan
- Bassai Dai
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance. (3 steps for juniors). Combinations will be decided by the grading examiner on the day.
Right and Left Side
- Attack
- Defense
- Age-uke,
- -zuki Chudan Soto-uke, gyaku-zuki Mae-Geri Gedan-Barai,
- -zuki Kekomi Double palm block, gyaku-zuki
Right side and left side attacks Candidates may choose different blocks and counters to the following attacks:
- Jodan
- Chudan
- Mae Geri
- Kekomi
- Mawashi-Geri
- -Geri
Examiner may select any Heian katas, Candidate may select any kata from list below:
- Bassai Dai
- Tekki Nidan
- Jiin
- Hangetsu
- Kanku Dai
- Empi
- Jitte
- Jion
- Chinte
Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward in Kamae (Combat) stance (3 steps for juniors). Combinations will be decided by the grading examiner on the day
Right side and left side attacks Candidates may choose different blocks and counters to the following attacks:
- Jodan
- Chudan
- Mae Geri
- Kekomi
- Mawashi-Geri
- Ushiro-Geri
KATA Examiner may select any Heian katas. Examiner may select any kata from list below:
- Bassai Dai
- Tekki Nidan
- Jiin
- Hangetsu
- Kanku Dai
- Empi
- Jitte
- Jion
- Chinte
- Niju-shiho
- Sochin
- Bassai-sho
- Kanko-sho